Brooks & Hendricks Attorney Joe Hendricks to Be Sworn in as Circuit Judge
Brooks & Hendricks attorney, Joe Hendricks will be leaving the firm of Brooks & Hendricks to be sworn in on Monday, November 25 as the Circuit Judge for Logan & Todd Counties. We hope you can attend the ceremony and reception for Joe as he begins his service. The law firm will now be called Ami Brooks Law, PLLC. Congratulations to Joe Hendricks for being elected as the Circuit Judge. Ami Brooks will be continuing the practice and looks forward to continuing to serve the people of Logan County.

Kentucky's Law on Powers of Attorney Get a Major Update
28-08-2018 -06:33 PM |
Effective July 18, 2018, Kentucky's new Uniform Law on Powers of Attorney has made major changes to Kentucky Law regarding Powers of Attorney. New Powers of Attorney must comply with new requirements that make the execution of a power of attorney much like the requirements for executing a will. Take a minute to evaluate whether talking to an estate planning attorney about whether a power of attorney would be an advantage to you. Read More...
Brooks & Hendricks Partner Joe Hendricks Featured in Logan Journal Article
Brooks & Hendricks attorney Joe Hendricks speech to the Chamber of Commerce featured in Logan Journal Article Read More...
Life Estates & Long Term Care
28-02-2017 -11:07 AM |Filed in: Elder Law | Medicaid Planning | Estate Planning | Long Term Care | Joe Hendricks

Asset Protection and Long Term Care or "How Do We Save the Farm From the Nursing Home"
Passing down the family farm to the next generation is a goal many seek to accomplish. Without adequate planning farm families facing the need for nursing care may face the loss of their land. Proper planning can help see what you worked so hard to build is passed on to the next generation. Read More...