March 2015
Attorney, Joe Hendricks, Elected as Vice-President of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce
13-03-2015 -06:55 PM |Filed in: Public Service | Joe Hendricks
In a unanimous vote at the Board’s meeting on March 10, Brooks & Hendricks Attorney, Joe Hendricks, was named the new Vice-President of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce. He will serve as president of the chamber in 2016.

Attorney Ami Brooks, Successfully Lobbies for Foster Care Reform
12-03-2015 -06:44 AM |Filed in: Public Service | Ami Brooks | Legislation | Family Law | Juvenile Law
Ami Brooks, a Russellville, Kentucky, Attorney with the law firm of Brooks & Hendricks, successfully lobbies for the passage of a bill to improve the rights of children in foster care. Read More...
Brooks & Hendricks Mentioned in News Democrat & Leader Story About East Logan Water District
The News Democrat & Leader mentions Brooks & Hendricks as East Logan Water District’s attorney.
“The other board members that serve East Logan Water are Loyd Houchens and Carroll Browning. Mike McGhee of McGhee Engineering of Guthrie continues to provide engineering services for East Logan. The board also hired attorney Joe Hendricks of Brooks & Hendricks law firm as the utility’s attorney.”