Joe Hendricks
Brooks & Hendricks Partner Joe Hendricks Featured in Logan Journal Article
Brooks & Hendricks attorney Joe Hendricks speech to the Chamber of Commerce featured in Logan Journal Article Read More...
Attorney, Joe Hendricks, Elected as Vice-President of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce
13-03-2015 -06:55 PM |Filed in: Public Service | Joe Hendricks
In a unanimous vote at the Board’s meeting on March 10, Brooks & Hendricks Attorney, Joe Hendricks, was named the new Vice-President of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce. He will serve as president of the chamber in 2016.

Joe Hendricks, Appointed as Attorney for the East Logan Water District
Joe W. Hendricks, Jr., partner at the firm of Brooks, & Hendricks, PLLC was officially appointed at the November 17, 2014 meeting by the Commissioners for the East Logan Water District as the water district’s attorney.
Estate Planning is Required for Divorced Parents by Joe Hendricks & Cory DeBord
Estate planning is essential for divorced parents. The failure to have an estate plan could lead to your ex-spouse controlling all of your assets. Even a simple will can go a long way to securing your children’s future.
Cory DeBord is an attorney in Canton, Georgia and a former Assistant District Attorney under Joe Hendricks. Read More...
Cory DeBord is an attorney in Canton, Georgia and a former Assistant District Attorney under Joe Hendricks. Read More...