Public Service
Brooks & Hendricks Partner Joe Hendricks Featured in Logan Journal Article
Brooks & Hendricks attorney Joe Hendricks speech to the Chamber of Commerce featured in Logan Journal Article Read More...
Attorney, Joe Hendricks, Elected as Vice-President of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce
13-03-2015 -06:55 PM |Filed in: Public Service | Joe Hendricks
In a unanimous vote at the Board’s meeting on March 10, Brooks & Hendricks Attorney, Joe Hendricks, was named the new Vice-President of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce. He will serve as president of the chamber in 2016.

Attorney Ami Brooks, Successfully Lobbies for Foster Care Reform
12-03-2015 -06:44 AM |Filed in: Public Service | Ami Brooks | Legislation | Family Law | Juvenile Law
Ami Brooks, a Russellville, Kentucky, Attorney with the law firm of Brooks & Hendricks, successfully lobbies for the passage of a bill to improve the rights of children in foster care. Read More...